Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Evaluation Seven

                                                  Voxplox Response to Evaluation Seven

Evaluation Seven : Text Format

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Doing the preliminary task was a good starter for me rather that rushing straight into the real product, this is because I had never constructed a real magazine before and had very limited knowledge on how to put them together and what was involved. I also had limited Photoshop skills and was not sure on the conventions.

In the school magazine I did not use a studio take photos or even an appropriate location. I took approximately 3 images and used quick decision to use them. This was deemed as a bad idea as I was only able to pick from three images they did not seem suitable for the cover. This experience made me aware that during the real production I was to take as many images as possible to allow a large variety of photos to choose from which I am able to use and adapt to the magazine. In my preliminary task I had also edited a pair of glasses into the model, I found this difficult and not very effective, which told me during the real production that I would have to dress the model appropriately to stop creating extra and unnecessary work for myself. Another element I found was to ensure I chose a suitable location which would either be easy to edit out or be apart of the photo as I took images in front of lots of objects so editing out the background was very difficult.

During my preliminary task I minimal planning and was making decisions as I go such as colour schemes, layout and design. This made me spend lots of time in the process as I had to keep experimenting different things which was time consuming and unnecessary. With the main task I was able to have clear guidelines and make efficient planning and research to see what would attract my audience. Planning was also crucial in terms of meeting the requirements in detail and efficiency. I excelled in planning and research in the main task which meant that my product was professional but effective as well.

Editing the images have also improved from my preliminary task, in the preliminary task I was able to use the layering tools and magic wand, but not to a professional standard. In the main task I was able to use lots of different techniques such as gradients, embossing text and many others to create a realistic and stylish look. In addition I was also able to edit the hue, saturation and darkness of the images to create a more stylised image. The preliminary task was also very limited in the variety of shots used in the contents pages which seems dull and repetitive so in my main task I ensures a multiple variances to make it more interesting and unusual.

Time allowance was also important as in the preliminary task I only had a couple hours to do the task, this meant that it gave me an idea of the sort of pace I would have to work out but with more detail and research. It enabled me to plan out my deadlines and what had to be done by what dates to ensure I have contingency times to rectify any problems which is invaluable in the production.

Overall doing the preliminary task allowed me a greater understanding on how to do the task and revealed the level of detail and care I will have to put into it to make it as effective as I can. It allows me to create a better product and foreshadow any problems that may arise. 

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